Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring has sprung

It seems that spring is here to stay. It is about time, I'd say. When I immigrated from Holland to Canada I thought spring would start, like in Holland, in January. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening! In Holland in January I remember sitting in a sheltered area with my mom, sipping coffee and admiring her tulips and narcissus in the garden. Not in Canada, snow was all we saw. I actually hated it and was so homesick. Then i decided that if I wanted to stay here I had to try and make it work. I didn't have many things so decided to buy what i felt like to make me feel more settled. I also decided to enjoy the snow and cold and took up skiing. That turned my life here around. I LOVE skiing. But spring is so wonderful when it finally arrives. Here are my 2 little crocusses and a bare backyard. Brown and boring you say? Just wait, I will show you what it looks like in a month when much more is in bloom.
This is what Holland looks like right now. I also posted a little video clip with some pretty music of a Dutch singer.
Enjoy my country!! I miss it...


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