Wow, what a great weekend. The weather was just stunning. I spent time at Zoe's Dance competition. It was excellent. Here is Zoe showing off the costume for her tap performance.
And I could see so well.... Why you may ask? A few weeks ago I noticed that I truly had trouble adjusting between distance, computer and reading. I kept having to take my glasses off and ultimately they broke. A sign I think to get progressive lenses. I was a little concerned that it would be hard to adjust to but, with the latest technology (and many dollars later....) it was a breeze. Life looks pretty clear again!
I'm still having trouble with my progressives. We'll have to compare optometrists.
I need them too...a summer project I thought!
Olswn Optical on Yonge South of St Clair (and $1100 for the lenses alone...)
Zoe is all grown up. I almost didn't recognize her.
I may eventually need progressive glasses...have to start using reading glasses and switch with my regular glasses.
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