Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Of Mice and Women

Each winter we have the same issue. Littel field mice make it in to our attic and you just need 2 to have more. I am not bugged by them too much but don't want them in my house. So, one year, when we also ended up with an ant infestation due to renovations next door (it disturbed them there and so they moved over to us!) we called a exteminator and were good for a couple of years as the ant stuff also killed the mice. This year though we could hear them in the walls so out came the trap. After 2 I thought that we were done and I wouldn't have to clean traps much longer. Well, 2 days and 6 mice later!!!
Can you believe it? Time for the exterminator service I think.....


Irene said...

Exterminators are the way to go for sure. You'd be surprised how many litters mice have. It's shocking.

Leslie Jane Moran said...

Here in Belgium, the cats bring in moles! There's something to be happy for....you only have small ones! I'd never seen a mole hill before, but they are all over here. You could get a cat!!

Sharon said...

There's this tv show called The Verminators and I happened to catch one episode before changing the channel. The cockroach infestations were to die from. Ugh. Three young ladies lived in this house that had a rat infestation. Because they were vegans, they would not consent to a kill technique for ridding the house of rats. The verminator told them that it would take at least a year to rid the house using live traps. The girls mulled over this ethical conflict and finally decided to agree to the killing technique if the verminator agreed to have a vegan meal with them. He quite enjoyed this new culinary venture but, in the end, had no plans to give up meat.

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