Thursday, July 30, 2009

My birthday is August 10 so I am a Leo, and so are several of my close friends and siblings. So I decided to look up some astrological stuff (can you tell that I am not a real believer anyway?) and had to grin as much of what I read did fit my personality. This is how it started. The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. Me, extroverted...?!! Someone once said I was off the chart for extroversion. hahaha!
Some stuff was sheer garbage. Oh well, made for good fun reading . Maybe I will let you decide..... :)Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
We all know them and while they have a job to do, I wish they would not pick me... I have to say that I have no patience for them at all and usually hang up on them. Well, there is a guy in the US who decided to use humour to try and fix the problem. His name is Tom Mabe and he is pretty funny. Check out this link, scroll down and click on the one that says 37 - homicide phonecall. It is so funny!
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Advice for Life
Today we went to a funeral of a friend from our cottage town. Alan Davenport was someone I personally didn't know very well but John's family has been connected with them for most of John's life. While I knew Alan, I didn't know him very well, I thought today that he was someone you would want to know and be associated with. From the many memories shared by people close to him it became evident to me that this was truly a remarkable and wonderful man. It also made me relive a little bit the pain of the loss of my mom and brother when I saw Alan's family grieving over the loss of such a great person. His daughter shared with everyone 4 lessons Alan had taught her and I want to share them with you.
1. Take risks in life and face it head-on. 2. Live with creativity and individualism. 3. Life in the moment and live today. Yesterday is past and tomorrow is the future, now is what matters. 4. Live with patience and live with grace.
These really resonated with me and I will let you muse over them. My brother said when he was dying that he didn't believe in a hereafter, but that people live on in the memory of those that remain. Once they are gone, you too are gone. I think this is a very good way to put it and with these 4 lessons and the memories we have of him Alan lives on. It is a very hard thing to realize that someone is truly gone and you will never see them again. I felt that, when my mom and Paul died, if only I could believe in heaven , it would help me because I would know I would see them again. At the time not being able to believe in that way filled me with anxiety and such profound sadness. Yet, 3-4 years later, I can honestly say that while I cannot see them or talk to them they are part of my every day life, an they do live on this way. It is a reassuring feeling and it my hope that Alan's family too will experience this and will find peace and comfort in that experience.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Take it down?
I have a webstore and have to decide whether to keep it or not or whether an etsy store would do the job. I have not kept my website up to date to well and now that I blog (who would have ever thought!) I am just not sure whether it is worth keeping... What do you think?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Some old new tools
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Flickr badge
Ok, I need help. See the Flickr badge on the right? For some reason I cannot seem to get my photostream from Flickr to work. I have tries so many times to re-paste the html into the blogger widget thingy and it is not working.... Anyone have any suggestions?
Friday, July 17, 2009

While I was looking for a picture of one of my jewelery pieces on Flickr, I cam across this fantastic photograph of Park Guell by Antonio Gaudi, the famous architect, in Barcelona. Last year I turned 50 as did 5 other women I grew up with. They came from Holland, I came from Canada and we met in Barcelona. It is a wonderful city and I will definitely go back. Here is a link to the pictures:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Arton Beads

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I am off to Hope Bay this afternoon. It is the little town on Georgian Bay where John's mom has her home. She is not well, so we will be there to vacation but also to help her. It is a beautiful place and hopefully we'll have a good time! One of my projects (other than jewellery) is to take my blog entires and put them in a journal. So yesterday I printed out what I have so far. Let's just say I am embarrased about the number of spelling errors I found!!!!!
I also just downloaded more audiobooks for the drive up. You should try it, it is great. This is a good site:
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Canada Day

On my way home from a lovely evening with fun friends I was listening to the Vinyl Cafe with Stuart Maclean and he read a story about a new Canadian and his experience with feeling Canadian, or better stated lack thereof due to some redneck comment of some so-called "real" Canadian. It struck a chord with me, not just because of the nasty comment, but also because of my own experience. The Dutch government for the longest time would not allow dual citizenship. So to become a Canadian citizen I would have to give up my Dutch citizenship. This was a problem for me as being Dutch is part of who I am. This has now changed and after all this time I will pursue Canadian citizenship. Canada has been a good country for me, even though I really didn't like it when I came here and it was not easy to integrate even though I spoke English well and our cultures are not that different. Yet, I didn't feel I belonged and I was not always tolerated wholeheartedly. I had a similar experience to the gentleman in the Vinyl Cafe story and it really hurts when people say nasty things. You can try all you want but those sorts of comments do not create a welcome feeling. However, I have wonderful friends, my husband and daughter are Canadian, I have been able to accomplish a lot here and so maybe I wil spend part of my Canada day completing the forms. I will need all of you to cheer me on though in the swearing in ceremony! Happy Canada day
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